The Process class in System.Diagnostics allows you to launch a new process.
For security reasons, the Process class is not available in theMetro profile, and you cannot start arbitrary processes. Instead,you must use the Windows.System.Launcher class to “launch” aURI or file to which you have access, e.g.:Launcher.LaunchUriAsync (new Uri (""));var file = await KnownFolders.DocumentsLibrary.GetFileAsync ("foo.txt");Launcher.LaunchFileAsync (file);This opens the URI or file, using whatever program is associatedwith the URI scheme or file extension. Your program must bein the foreground for this to work.The static Process.Start method has a number of overloads; the simplest accepts asimple filename with optional arguments:Process.Start ("notepad.exe");Process.Start ("notepad.exe", "e:\\file.txt");You can also specify just a filename, and the registered program for its extensionwill be launched:Process.Start ("e:\\file.txt");